流程程序图如何制作,流程图怎么做(程序流程图怎么画 word) 墙裂推荐

 2022-11-08    17  

流程程序图如何制作,流程图怎么做(程序流程图怎么画 word) 墙裂推荐 美容销售话术 美容养生销售话术 产品销售话术 韩国电视剧 短视频运营 百科资讯 第1张流程程序图如何制作,流程图怎么做(程序流程图怎么画 word) 墙裂推荐 美容销售话术 美容养生销售话术 产品销售话术 韩国电视剧 短视频运营 百科资讯 第2张

他们制做了用户收款流程图和收款流程图,上面是流程流程图的具体介绍。We have made a user pickup flow chart and a delivery flow chart. The following is a detailed introduction to the program flow chart.




1. User pickup flow chart

The user picks up the package according to the pickup code, scans the identity code and the packageQR code after picking up the package, and the system compares the information,and then update the package status information to complete the delivery.

If the system shows abnormality when scanning the code, the abnormal information will be displayed, and the abnormal package will be processed. The flowchart is shown in the figure.

流程程序图如何制作,流程图怎么做(程序流程图怎么画 word) 墙裂推荐 美容销售话术 美容养生销售话术 产品销售话术 韩国电视剧 短视频运营 百科资讯 第3张流程程序图如何制作,流程图怎么做(程序流程图怎么画 word) 墙裂推荐 美容销售话术 美容养生销售话术 产品销售话术 韩国电视剧 短视频运营 百科资讯 第4张




2. User sending flow chart

The user can place an orderonline in the system, first fill in the basic information of the order, and then fill in the shipping address.

The user can use the address information saved by the user or fill in two forms intelligently. The user can choose the courier to pick up the package and select the pickup time to complete the order.

Order, you can also choose to go to the station to send off the line to complete the order.

After placing an order, users can also cancel the order, improve/change the reservation information, or consult online customer service according to their own needs. The flowchart is shown in the figure.

流程程序图如何制作,流程图怎么做(程序流程图怎么画 word) 墙裂推荐 美容销售话术 美容养生销售话术 产品销售话术 韩国电视剧 短视频运营 百科资讯 第5张流程程序图如何制作,流程图怎么做(程序流程图怎么画 word) 墙裂推荐 美容销售话术 美容养生销售话术 产品销售话术 韩国电视剧 短视频运营 百科资讯 第6张





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